Night splint AFO _ BO904

Night splint AFO _ BO904

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Night AFO (Night splints) immobilizes the foot & ankle, and apply gentle stretch on Achille tendon and plantar fascia. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common foot injuries.

Several mechanical treatment options, including shoe inserts, ankle-foot orthoses, tape, and shoes are used to relieve the symptoms of plantar fasciitis.
the purpose of mechanical treatments is applying gentle stretch on plantar fascia and prevent plantar fascia contracture. Maintaining the normal length of plantar fascia can prevent and relieving plantar fasciitis symptom.
Night splints prevent plantar fascia con¬tracture and maintain the normal plantar fascia length by keeping the foot and ankle in a neutral 90-degree position or slight dorsi flexion, preventing foot plantar flexion during sleep.

Night splints used alone have been shown to improve plantar fasciitis pain and heel pain significant relives in the short term with the use of a night splint incorporated into conservative methods.
the use of night splints provides a useful, cost-effective adjunct to current therapeutic regimens of plantar fasciitis.
Also, Night AFOs can prevent ankle plantar flexion contracture that usually occurs in bed-ridden patient.



  • Prevention of drop foot (plantar flexion contracture) in bed-ridden patient.
  • Plantar fasciitis.
  • Heel spur (studies have demonstrated a significant association between plantar fasciitis and calcaneal spur formation.
  • Achilles tendon repair.


Feature and Structure:

  • Soft breathable velour-lined foam padding for all night optimal comfort.
  • Adjustable dorsiflexion straps. Its adjustable bilateral straps allow for a controlled and prolonged stretch.
  • Minimal house-hold ambulation is possible via anti-slip rubber under the sole of orthosis.
  • Fits right and left ankle.

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